Archive for February, 2009

Every Marketer Should Ask Themselves

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Every marketer should ask themselves several questions when they are putting together a marketing plan for any type of business especially their own business. Here are some questions that you should constantly be thinking about as a business owner as well: Continue Reading »

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Eyetracking Tools

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When doing business online one of the most important tools that is coming of more importance is eyetracking tools. Eyetracking is where you track and analyze how individuals Continue Reading »

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PPC Web Spy

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Brad Callen has a new keyword research tool that he has been working on for the last 8 months called PPC Web Spy. There is a standard version for FREE and then others that you can upgrade to. You can download PPC Web Spy at Continue Reading »

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Run of Site Links

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In SEO (search engine optimization) having backlinks is very important. It is the most important thing to focus on in off-page optimization. The search engines know how many backlinks are pointing to a website and where they are coming from. The more quality backlinks that a website has the more important they look to a search engine. Continue Reading »

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