Archive for June, 2011

What Is Cloud Hosting?

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What is “The Cloud”?

Simply put, the cloud refers to a web server or a network of web servers whose common goal is to serve up particular web services to users via merely their web browser. Applications in the cloud are simply internet based applications ready to scale and are typically setup in such a manner that upgrades and patches are done quicker and are available application wide to all users instantly.
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Why Use WordPress For Blogging

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WordPress is a simple and easy way to set up a blog. First released in May 2003, WordPress is the most popular self hosted blogging platform with more than 202 million blogs and websites running on it worldwide. WordPress provides users with Continue Reading »

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Google Recommends Updating WordPress to Avoid Hacking

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Google has begun notifying website owners that have outdated versions of the WordPress blogging and content management software on their sites. Here is the email they’re sending out: Your site appears to be running an older version of WordPress. Google recommends that you update to the latest release. Older or unpatched software may be vulnerable to hacking or malware that…
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WordPress Video Tutorials

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WordPress has been a popular blogging platform over the years and has turned into a popular CMS (content management system) and is the obvious choice for a lot of internet marketers who like to have the flexibility of a superb blogging platform along with using it as a content management system. Some individuals choose to use other CMS systems like Continue Reading »

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Google Search Announces Instant Pages

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Google is “obsessed with speed” and they are continually making changes to improve how fast we as users can find thing. Earlier Google launched a feature called “Google Instant” making it available for the search engine to start showing search results as people are searching in the search box. Now the Google Instant team is announcing a new feature to even speed up the Google Instant results called Continue Reading »

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Tips On Using Twitter Effectively

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Internet marketing is no longer a huge mystery to most businesses. Almost everyone has an informational webpage at the very least. Unfortunately, throwing up a one-page site isn’t enough anymore. Potential customers are looking for more of a personal connection. Social media is what makes that possible.

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Why White Hat SEO Works

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There are many free SEO techniques to improve your site ranking. Some of them are more effective and some less. There is also Black Hat SEO and White Hat SEO. Black Hat is all about using shady SEO techniques to improve your ranking using manipulative tactics. White Hat is opposite.

Some shady SEO techniques that you won’t want to use. Continue Reading »

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Best Web Designer in Utah?

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More than ever, the best web design is super important for small businesses. Forrester Research has studies that show by 2012 nearly all companies will be focused on internet based marketing technology more than traditional mediums. There has never been a time in history where potential customers have more information at their fingertips to evaluate companies and websites are the face of small business, mid-sized companies, and Fortune 500s. The rankings, design, features, functionality, and speed of a company website plays a major role in the impression that potential customers have of the business.
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Don't Sell It, Talk About It

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In the business world we all live in everyone has spoken with a salesman in some form or another. There is a saying that says “people do not like to be sold”. I myself have also heard that people can smell a salesman a mile away as if it is part of their super powers to smell a salesman. In this article we will discuss why it is more beneficial to talk about it rather than selling it. Continue Reading »

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