Archive for March, 2014

A Health Nut's Favorite Bracelet

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Bling for Fit People Have you seen ads for LG’s new Lifeband Touch? It’s pretty awesome. You use it to control your music, to be notified of calls and texts, and to measure the amount of exercise you have done. Why is this such a big deal? Well, let’s look at some of the implications that are hinted at in…
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Does Technology Hinder Our Creativity?

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I have a certain belief. This belief may be unpopular, unproven, and unorthodox, but it is a belief I have. I’ll fill you in. I believe that technology can hinder our creativity. My belief is that certain aspects of technology make us forget that creating is an amazing experience, that the vast amount of ideas we are surrounded by makes…
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Social Media Habits Worth Breaking

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Scott Christofferson Keep Reading, Social Media Tips Ahead Everyone’s going to tell you you need to humanize your brand and tell your company’s story but I’m not sure all of that advice is good advice. In fact, I think it’s bad advice. David Spark, founder of Spark Media Solutions, wrote 50 tidbits of social media advice that I’d like to…
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The Spirit Animals of Internet Marketing

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What is your Internet marketing spirit animal? Great question. I’m not surprised you’ve asked yourself this soul searching question. I’ve often pondered on the answer to this conundrum. I have been thinking about this for quite some time. I have grouped Internet marketing into several spirit animals. I don’t have a quiz for you to decide which one you are….
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Of Cougars and Card Games

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Bringing Everyone Together A new iOS app was developed recently by a group of BYU students. It’s called Card Table and basically turns an iPad and a few iPhones into everything you need for a card game. You hold your cards on your phone as if they were in your hand. You can shuffle, flip, and deal. To play a…
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What Spring Sounds Like

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I am a believer in music playlists. I created my first music playlist at the age 10 years old. I entitled it “Friends 1.” The fun fact about “Friends 1” is that 10 of the 15 songs on the playlist were by U2, and the other five were instrumental new age pieces. While my music taste has expanded since then,…
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Keeping Customers, Saving Leads

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Dearest Blog Readers, You are losing money. I was working with a small company just last week and realized that a lot of businesses are tripping right off the starting gate. They focus on a linear selling model that works pretty decently. The problem I have found is most companies pour all of their energy into finding new leads. Once…
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Spending Money to Make Money

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This is not a political post. I know nothing of how to run an economy on a national scale. This post is about marketing. This post is about paid advertising and marketing efforts. Marketers are almost all in agreement that you must spend money to make a profit. It seems contradictory, but well-spent money on marketing efforts will bring cash…
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TEDxBYU Event: At the Intersection

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Photo by Flickr User Gisela Giardino Tonight BYU is putting on its annual TEDx event (x=independent). Beginning in California 25 years ago, TED Conferences were originally held as 4-day conferences with some of the world’s most prestigious and influential leaders. The conference quickly became a global affair holding TEDGlobal in Oxford, UK. Most people, however, became familiar with TED through…
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