Archive for March, 2014

A Very Creative Cloud

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Creative Cloud vs. Creative Suite Design professionals around the world can relate to the feeling of anxious anticipation when the newest version of Adobe’s Creative Suite is about to be released. It’s like an album drop from your favorite band, except cooler because you can make awesome stuff with it! Now though, all that has changed. Rather than release its…
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Why You Should Learn to Cook

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Photo By Flickr User Geoff Peters With all of the food in the grocery store, sometimes buying food, and cooking is overwhelming. Between the meal planning, ingredient preparation, the actual cooking, and the cleaning process it seems that my motivation to cook falls with every passing thought! But being able to make a filling and tasty meal helps me eat…
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Facebook For Businesses

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There was a time when companies didn’t have Facebook pages, when companies weren’t striving to increase their Twitter following, and when social media did not exist. For me, it seems impossible to imagine that as a possibility. Because now we live in an age where an estimated 43% of the United States Population uses Facebook. Because of this businesses that…
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Indie Rock of 2013

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Now that we are sitting comfortably in March I feel like I can safely make a list of indie rock albums released in 2013. It’s always a risky thing saying the best. I hope there wasn’t something I missed that I will soon fall in love with. I often find that I miss an album here or there because I’m…
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Pinterest: The Guilty Pleasure of Social Media

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Photo by Flickr User If we’re being honest with ourselves, all of social media could be considered one giant guilty pleasure. But for me, Pinterest takes the cake. The questions is, why should you care? Well, if your customers and potential customers are anything like me, they are looking to Pinterest for a few specific reasons. 1. Aesthetics: I…
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A World Made of Adobe

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Kings of Creative Design For decades, Adobe has been the big name in creative, digital production. A few years ago, just about every professional in the industry was using Adobe products, or was at least familiar with them. Nowadays, in a world where photography, video production, and web design are not just for the pros, Adobe has caught on with…
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What Is SEO? The Basics Explained

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SEO, also known as Search Engine Optimization, is something that we as a marketing firm mention quite often. We mention it in regards to all that we do here as a company. You may be wondering then… What exactly is SEO? SEO is the process of affecting the visibility of your website under a search engine’s unpaid or paid search…
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The HUVr Board is Here

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There is a fake ad circulating the Internet right now about a Huvr Board. The actor who played Doc Brown in Back to the Future steps out of the infamous time travelling car with a hoverboard in his hand. He hands the board to Tony Hawk, Moby, and other famous figures who testify to the authenticity of the board. The…
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Women's History Month

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Women’s History Month has been around for over one-hundred years in the US, but few people actually know how to honor this month! If you’re looking for ways to celebrate and honor the women who have come before you and create a pathway for the women to come after you, this video is a great way to learn what you…
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Web Presence for the DIYer

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Websites for the Rest of Us Big businesses are willing to pay skilled professionals to give them the extra edge. But what about the folks that are somewhere in between? What about the wedding photographer, the in-home online retailer, or the local rock band? These days it’s so easy to do pretty good work with little to no training, especially…
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