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Innovation Simple Blog

Aug 19, 2008

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Using Anchor Points

Posted in : Uncategorized

When designing a website you have to appeal to the eyes of a reader. You have to grab their attention in a relatively short amount of time. Here you can see what looks like an outline of a paper that you would write for an assignment. When you see this structure you will see the anchor points.

Aug 18, 2008

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Dumb-Friendly Websites

Posted in : Uncategorized

When designing and building websites it is extremely important to make the website usable. This means that the website is easy to navigate for internet users who can easily find information in a fast and speedy manner.

Aug 15, 2008

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Google vs. Yahoo vs. MSN

Posted in : Uncategorized

Dear Innovation Simple clients and anyone else out there that have someone who uses SEO, we want to keep you up-to-date on search engine market share. These are results for April 2008 from Hitwise.

Flash vs. SEO

Posted in : Uncategorized

When it comes to the different types of websites and search engine optimization, flash websites mix with SEO like a square peg in a round hole. They just don’t fit together. The reason why is because in flash all of he code of the website is embedded so a search engine crawler cannot see all of the code.

Search Engine Results Pages

Posted in : Uncategorized

All search engines have what is called a search engine results page or (SERP’s). The serp’s are different for each search engine but their are some basic parameters on search engine results pages.

Aug 12, 2008

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Capture Subscribers

Posted in : Uncategorized

One of the most important parts of having on online business is to generate leads. In internet marketing the money is in the list. What does that mean by the money is in the list. Capturing information from people who visit your website. This is where they give you at least their first name and email.

Aug 12, 2008

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Moving to a new IP address – DNS Zones

Posted in : Uncategorized

Changing to a new server? Changing a site’s IP address can be a hassle. However, with these few steps you can ensure a smooth transfer from one server IP to another.

Aug 11, 2008

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Firefox Keyboard Shortcuts

Posted in : Uncategorized

As people are using their computers more on a daily basis either for work or for fun here are some shortcuts that will assist you in finding things faster.

Aug 11, 2008

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Getting Testimonials

Posted in : Uncategorized

Testimonials are an essential part of marketing for any business. People like to do business with a company that has a good reputation. Having testimonials on your website is a way to reinforce your reputation. As customers do more research on companies one of the things they are looking at is what do other people think of this company.

Aug 8, 2008

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Blog For Trust

Posted in : Uncategorized

People want to inherently believe in something so they are constantly looking for someone or something to believe in. Using a blog effectively will show people that you know what you are talking about. A company blog is a vital tool in showing off your knowledge on a subject.
