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Innovation Simple Blog

Nov 6, 2014

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Red Bull Gives You Wings Lawsuit

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Why you don’t make unattainable promises in your slogans. False advertisements. They’ll cost you $13 million every time. At least that’s how much Red Bull had to pay in a settlement during October of 2014 for false advertisement. Red Bull promised their customers over the past 14 years that if they drank a Red Bull energy drink, they would magically…
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Nov 5, 2014

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Best Blog/Website Builders for Beginners

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The templates that are the easiest to use, but the most dynamic and attractive to see Website and blog design can be a daunting task when you don’t have a background in coding and design. I’ve totally been there. The beautiful thing about the internet however is that there is a huge range of easy-to-use templates you can use that…
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Nov 4, 2014

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Understanding Technology

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Tips for Learning to Become More Tech Savvy Old, young, rich or poor, it is pretty safe to assume that all of us are affected one way or another by technology these days. Here at Innovation Simple, we understand the importance of being up-to-date with technology and how to use it. Its what we do! If you feel like you…
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Nov 3, 2014

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How Often Should Companies Post on Social Media?

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Some Keys to Remember You want your company to be heard, but not overheard. This is something that every marketing manager thinks over late at night. Just how does a company achieve the right balance? Although it is a continually changing science, here are a few things to consider when posting to social media for your brand. Audience Is your…
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Nov 1, 2014

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How to Prep for Winter Sports

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Be Ready to Hit the Mountain With today being the first day of November winter sports are on our minds here at Innovation Simple. That being said, we want to make sure that everyone is ready to hit the slopes the first day they open. Proper preparation can be the key to making the most of your first run down…
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Oct 31, 2014

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Leveraging Marketing Mediums

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What Works The dream of every digital marketer is to reach their audience and get people to listen to their message. The trick is actually getting it done. It’s estimated that there are 1,745,097 (not a real statistic) different strategies to implement in your digital marketing campaign to bring success to your efforts–it’s a rough estimate. Regardless, while digital marketing…
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Oct 30, 2014

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Fun Facts About Halloween

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Everything You Need To Know Halloween is tomorrow, and we are so excited to get our work done for our marketing clients so we can go home to start the celebrations. But before we put on those costumes and buy our candy, we want to give you some insights about this holiday. We will start off with the name, Halloween….
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Oct 29, 2014

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Learning How to Code

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A Round-up of the Best Five Websites That Teach HTML When we hear the word coding many of us get an overwhelming feeling of something complex and extremely difficult; something only the particularly computer savvy can manage. However, coding can actually be quite simple to learn and even fun! Having a website these days is essential for a business or…
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Oct 28, 2014

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Making the Most Out of Your Brown-Bag

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Tips on Making a Scrumptious Lunch The iconic brown-bag lunch has been around since 1852 yet somehow has lasted through the ages. It’s form has taken many shapes and sizes but the contents remain relatively similar. Here are some tips to simplify and delicify your money-saving lunch. 1. Make dinner with lunch in mind. Next time you make your favorite…
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Oct 27, 2014

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Marketing Disasters

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Enjoy three of the most unfortunate marketing blunders we’ve seen After reading one of our old articles on 6 Deadly Marketing Mistakes, I took a look at some of the craziest marketing disasters ever to have happened. One of the most costly mistakes a business can make is in its marketing activities, and unfortunately, it happens a lot. Here are…
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