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Innovation Simple Blog

Jun 5, 2015

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5 Keys to a Good Website

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Every business in the world needs a good website. The internet makes the world go round, and if your company doesn’t have an effective website you can expect little to no legitimacy in the world.Designing and maintaining a website might be complicated, but here are five overall ways to ensure your website is benefiting your business.1. User friendlyAny person who…
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Jun 1, 2015

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The power of social media for your business

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Nowadays, the best way to reach consumers is through the internet. With the help of social media platforms like Facebook and Twitter, customers can keep up with a company’s latest news and innovations. Technology has made it easier for companies to interact with their customers and touch base with how they are doing.  Social media can help your business in…
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May 21, 2015

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Social Media Cheat Sheets for your Business

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Keeping up with all the changes and updates of several social media platforms at a time can be a drag, but here at Innovation Simple we are all about making your life easier. We’ve put together some key information to make the best out of your company’s social media pages.Did you know that posts that include an image are 87%…
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Nov 14, 2014

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The Typical Day In the Life of an Innovation Simple Intern

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The Perfect Dream Job Imagine a job where you come into the office, say hello to your boss, and hang out on social media all day. If that just caught your attention, you’d fit right in with our intern office here at Innovation Simple. Each intern manages the social media and blog of various clients in Utah, California, Arizona, and…
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Nov 13, 2014

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The Current Trend of Early Holiday Seasons

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A look into the “Christmas Creep” and the genius marketing behind holiday merchandisers I was driving to work in the last week of October and flipping through my favorite radio channels when I hit Michael Buble singing “Let it snow, let it snow, let it snow.” Of course, I did the proper thing and changed the channel immediately. The day…
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Nov 12, 2014

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Standing Out

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How to Make Your Website Pop! Everything is online these days and it can be difficult to make your website stand out among that throng. It is crucial in today’s world to have a website that will catch the eye, interest the reader and continue to engage the directed target. Here are some quick ideas to consider when trying to…
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Nov 11, 2014

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How to Make the Perfect wish on 11/11/11

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Some Go-To Steps November 11 at 11:11, you’ve been waiting for this minute all year long. You’ve been saving this wish for months now. It could be about that special someone you’ve been thinking about, or it could be admission to that program, or to snag the lead in the next school play. Whatever the wish may be, here are…
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Nov 10, 2014

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Does Word of Mouth Only Marketing Work?

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…maybe if your mouth is big enough! Ask most local businesses what their primary form of marketing is an at some point in the conversation “word of mouth” will come up. For years word of mouth marketing was talked about as the key to any successful business. But as the world changes and technology advances, word of mouth marketing won’t…
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Nov 8, 2014

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Enjoying Utah's Canyons in the Fall

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Things to Do When It’s Cold and Beautiful Did you know Utah is home to five national parks? If you are lucky enough to live in the Beehive state, you know why it has some of the most spectacular views on earth. The changing weather we’re experiencing gives us a perfect excuse to get out and enjoy it. It’s nearly…
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Nov 7, 2014

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Who We Help

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How We Help At Innovation Simple, our motto is Innovation + Simple. Shocker, I know. Our goal is to help small businesses gain traction in a slippery market. We work to improve SEO, website design and overall social media presence within the niche that company is competing in. To give you an idea of who we work with, our clients…
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