Archive for November, 2008

Virtual Spokespersons

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Internet marketers are constantly trying new things to increase conversions and traffic. There are many types of tools and applications that are designed to do just this. One of those tools is using a Continue Reading »

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Emphasize Value

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The current United States economy is in a situation that it has not been in for a while and there are many retailers who will be facing bad Christmas shopping seasons. There are some reports that the retail industry will face Continue Reading »

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Realistic Expectations For SEO

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When starting a business a person or a group of people have to put together a plan of action as to how the business is to grow. There are a lot of factors that have to be taken into consideration when building a business. Continue Reading »

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Engage Your Users

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When designing and marketing a website the overall goal is to have the thought in mind that you want visitors to the website to love all of the information you are providing them. To do this you must Continue Reading »

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Bookmark the Bookmark

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Social bookmarking is a huge thing that is happening in the world of internet marketing. The main reason why is because these social bookmarking companies are gaining more authority as they get Continue Reading »

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Videos Stay Longer

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Trying to get into the top 10 in the search engines can be a daunting task to get into. There are several things you can do to get into the top 10. Social bookmarking is one of the Continue Reading »

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Don't Make Me Think

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One of the most frustrating things I hate about browsing the internet and going on people’s websites is the fact that I can’t find information and I have to think about what they are trying to offer or say. Continue Reading »

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