Archive for February, 2010

New Innovation Simple Salt Lake City Address

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Innovation Simple is continually looking to expand its reach in the Utah marketplace. In the 4th quarter of 2009 we were afforded the opportunity to server the Salt Lake City area better, by having an Innovation Simple representative move to the Salt Lake area. As such, companies in the Salt Lake City area looking for web design services, have the option of a personal visit from Innovation Simple. Continue Reading »

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Importance of Title Tags

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In performing SEO (search engine optimization) for a website there are several factors that you must look at. Title tags are very important and probably the most important on page factor. Continue Reading »

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Does Your Content Have Virality

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As the technology evolves there are some things that do not evolve and that is the things people like to share which means going viral. Viral marketing has always been a huge way to market. When it comes to seo how does virality affect it and search engine rankings? Continue Reading »

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5 Minute SEO Analysis

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When performing SEO you do a lot of quick analysis for clients website’s to give you a quick look into where they stand. There are some major things that you can look at that will only take a couple of minutes. Continue Reading »

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Google Maps Has Personalized Search

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Google is continually pushing their personalized search service making it better for users to find things faster and more relevant to them based on past search history. This feature exists on the web search function and now it exists in the Google Maps function as well. Continue Reading »

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