Archive for August, 2013

Why Relationship Marketing is Essential for Your Social Media Presence

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Social Media Requires Being Social You may be wondering why every business today has a Facebook page, Twitter, Instagram and a whole host of other social networking icons on their home page but some businesses seem to do better than others. The answer to this phenomenon is simple on the outside but complex inside. The short answer is that all…
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[Insert Misleading Headline about Twitter] – Tips for Tweeting Your Business

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Jonathan Rose Do you and your business use Twitter for advertising and supporting your business? Although you may be confused as to what my headline means, you’ll be interested in improving your tweeting skills by reading further. When writing this article, I thought about putting up a headline that sounded amazing, only to lead you into this article to disappoint….
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The Most Important Elements of a Great Blog

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Jake Wixom A Great Way to Grow Your Online Presence Having a well designed blog attached to your company’s website is a great way to increase web traffic, help your search engine optimization, and keep your customers informed and interested. Listed below are a few things you can do to be sure your blog is attractive, professional and impactful. Uniformity…
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Understanding Your Target Audience in a Digital Marketplace

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Jake Wixom The Key to Reaching an Audience Before you can expect to sell people on your product or service, you must know who your target audience is and what they’re looking for. A good business knows how to make their sales a positive experience for both parties. If you can correctly identify what your audience is looking for and…
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Keeping Up With Social Media

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Jonathan Rose Staying on top of all the updates that are continually introduced to Facebook, LinkedIn, and other networking and media sites can be exhausting. Using all your venues of social media to fullest capacity is in all reality, a full time job. Here are a few updates for those of you out there who are still managing your media…
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Pet Peeves in the Social Media World

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We’ve talked a lot about social media and the different effects it has on society, social interactions, and especially business. Social media has become unavoidable in today’s world. If you’re reading this article you’ve probably already participated in the adage “If you can’t beat ‘em, join em”. While the world shifts to a more digital age there are still a…
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Random Things Every Manager/Leader Should Keep in Mind

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Your Employees They are smart. I don’t care where you work or what you do, they are smart. Depending on the type of work you do they may be differing types of intelligent, but like children, they will notice a lot of different things. What type of things? Why does that even matter? Take this typical children/parent scenario: a young…
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Digital Marketing Skills Every College Graduate Should Know

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Ian Ray The Essentials As college graduation nears, you may come to realize that you need to reevaluate your skill sets for your future occupations. Without any skills, you’ll be without a job. As college graduation nears, you may come to realize that you need to reevaluate your skill sets for your future occupations. Without any skills, you’ll be without…
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Does Social Media Have a Future?

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Jonathan Rose In the last 5 years we’ve seen huge changes in the social media realm. Businesses have begun to use of the world of social media. Twitter and Facebook have made the transition more than anyone would have ever imagined. In 2009, how the customer’s opinions affected social media was realized. And by the end of 2011, media was…
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Keeping up with Technology

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Technology can be frustrating. It can be aggravating. For many people who aren’t used to the pace that technology keeps it can be a rude wake-up call. You master one form of social media when yet another app, program, or even update sends you back to the (digital) drawing board. What do you do? Is it really worth your time…
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