Archive for February, 2014

Do’s and Don’ts on Valentine’s Day

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Love is in the air as cheery laughter and flowers petals adorn walkways of lover’s present or future. Despite all of the love and cuteness Valentine’s Day can be stressful. Whether for work reasons or your lack of caring, you forgot all about it. I think all of us at one point or another have had an epic fail when…
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Groundhog Day: Clouds or Sun?

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Scott Christofferson What’s the Fuss All About Groundhog Day of 2014 has come and gone. Did you see your shadow? Did you even think about this holiday? February 2nd of each year marks this holiday. You’ve likely heard of the movie Groundhog Day, but have you ever really understood the origin and purpose for this annual ritual? Folklore tells us…
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Expensive things you can’t afford.

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There are expensive things you can afford. You can probably afford a $100 pair of jeans. You may even be able sit down and buy a car. But here are some things you can’t afford. I guarantee that 99% of you will not be able to afford these things. Which is why they are so fun to look at. I…
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The Best in Dating Apps

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As Valentine’s Day quickly approaches, love is on most people’s minds—whether they’ve found it or not. If you fall on the side of not having found love, there are a lot of reasons to not give up yet! These popular dating apps are just a few of the reasons that there is still reason to hope. Read up on the…
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7 Beautiful Blogs: Fashion

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From Catwalk to Blogspot I wouldn’t consider myself a fashion expert by any standard, but I do enjoy putting forth a little extra effort to dress well and to create my own style. I have gotten into a discussion or two with Joe and Scott, fellow gentlemen here at Innovation Simple’s Provo office, about the importance of a well-tailored suit,…
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Gadgets That are Changing the World

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There are so many things in today’s society that can distract us from what matters most. Social media is an incredible tool that lets us share our thoughts and creativity with the rest of the world within seconds. How great would it be if we were putting our advanced technology to good use? I recently read an article highlighting new…
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A Little Valentine's Day History Lesson

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Scott Christofferson Where It All Began Valentine’s Day is upon us again. For some it’s a winter highlight, for others it’s just another day and another group it’s a day to dread. So let’s get to the bottom of this. Where did it all come from and why in the world is it such a big deal – in a…
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The Random Web

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The internet is full of useful information and websites. You can find pretty much everything you need in this vast and endless string of information. Mixed in with all the sites out there you’ll find some that are just random and maybe even pointless. Some of them are really cool and entertaining. Others are slightly creepy and intriguing. Check out…
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Sochi 2014: How to Stay Informed

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With the Olympics coming up this week, you’re probably planning to turn your TV on and catch the best of all the sports. But let’s be honest, live TV can only capture a portion of all that is happening during the games. So if you’re interested in following the games better than your TV network can do, check out these…
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Dixie State University

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A Glimpse Into the Future St. George has been consistently growing at an incredible rate for quite some time now, but will it slow anytime soon? If you ask me, we’ve only seen the beginning. Why? Two words: university town. Take Provo, for example: You probably wouldn’t think of Provo, Utah as a big city. Rather, it’s more like a…
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