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Sep 3, 2008

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SEO Mistakes

Posted in : Uncategorized

There are many different websites that are trying to optimize for certain search terms in the search engines. There are some common mistakes that I have seen websites make when it comes to search engine optimization.

Sep 2, 2008

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What Is Google PageRank

Posted in : Uncategorized

The idea of the internet is to have documents that hyperlink to other documents that are on the world wide web. Google, originally called Backrub, started by being able to create a system on how to calculate the importance of a webpage by the links that point to it.

Sep 2, 2008

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Using Keyword Patterns

Posted in : Uncategorized

When selecting keywords for a new website is best to not target some highly competitive phrases because it will be very hard to get your new website listed in Google. It is best to use a variety of phrases to go after. If you are going after furniture then it will be best to go after

Aug 28, 2008

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Get Indexed In Google in Less Than 1 Week

Posted in : Uncategorized

There are many people who are constantly hearing that if you want to get indexed in Google then you need to add your url to Google. This is not the best way to get Google to index your site. What happens when you add your website to Google’s add your url page.

Aug 27, 2008

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Internal Link Structure

Posted in : Uncategorized

Optimizing a website for search engines is by far the best way to rank a website in the search engines. In order for the search engines to index and rank a website in the search engine results pages they need to crawl the site and see what the theme of the site is about.

Aug 25, 2008

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Build Content and Links

Posted in : Uncategorized

Owning a website can be a lot of work to keep it up and going. Marketing and search engine optimization are comprised of many different things. A lot of people ask what is the most important thing to do in building and marketing a website.

SeoQuake Firefox Extension

Posted in : Uncategorized

There are several tools to help in the search engine optimization process. Firefox has several extensions to help in SEO. The one that everyone should have that is doing SEO is called SeoQuake. This extension has many different tools that will show many parameters of a webpage.

DoFollow Search Engines

Posted in : Uncategorized

When doingsearch engine optimization for a website link building is one of the most important things to do. There are a variety of ways to do this including press releases, submitting to directories, submitting to social bookmarking companies, and commenting on blogs that do not have the nofollow attribute turned on.

Aug 21, 2008

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Ask Where Your Customers Are Coming From

Posted in : Uncategorized

There are a lot of businesses that do all types of marketing: direct mail, fliers, billboards, newspapers, and obviously the internet. Yet there are a lot of businesses that do not actually know where there customers are finding them or coming from.

Aug 20, 2008

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9 Punctuation Tips When Writing Articles

Posted in : Uncategorized

When writing articles to market across the web there are certain things to keep in mind. A lot of different punctuation and grammatical information can often be overlooked. Here are some punctuation and writing tips:
