Archive for August, 2013

The Difference Between Instagram and Vine Videos

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Last month Instagram took another shot at Vine with its import feature which allows users to record more video after the pre-recorded footage. This allows users to add two shorter pre-recorded videos into one Instagram post till the 15-second limit is reached. Another feature of the Instagram video is the option to choose how the users can square-crop the clip…
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Why Pinterest is Not Just for Your Pre-teen Daughter

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When you first created a Pinterest for your business, you might have been overwhelmed by the number of hairstyles and brownie recipes you encountered. But Pinterest actually has a lot more to offer than beauty secrets and treat recipes (although we like those too!). In fact, Pinterest is a great way to show your customers what your company is all…
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Business Social Media (for Beginners)

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If you haven’t had much experience, the world of social media can look pretty daunting at first glance. With tags, hashtags, retweets, likes, timelines, etc. you may feel as though you’re learning a foreign language—and in many ways that’s true. But your introduction to social media doesn’t need to be as much a culture shock as it can be a…
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5 Reasons Why Your Website Needs an Update

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Need An Update? Technology today changes quickly and it becomes painfully obvious to your clients if your website is out of date, even if it’s only by a year or two. Here are the top 5 signs that your company website needs to be updated. You Haven’t Updated Your Page Since 1999 If you built your web page more than…
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Fitness Marketing Strategies to Generate More Customers

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Marketing Fitness Fitness is a field that your clients know is important for them. They know that they SHOULD be in shape. They might even say to their friends and family, “I want to get fit” or “I want my six-pack” or even, “I want to run a marathon” with no tangible method to reach those goals. As a fitness…
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Foursquare: A Thing of the Past?

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Remember Foursquare? You know that app that allows you to check into various businesses and locations. If you check in often enough you become the Mayor of that business and people who check in get special perks like discounts and free goods. Many businesses have found over the years that utilizing Foursquare has provided an outlet for their customers to…
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Predicting the Next Best Social Media Idea

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Stay A Step Ahead The future of social networking looks bright as everyone from businesses, celebrities, and regular Joe Schmoe are plugged in and looking for the latest thing in social networking. People love to share ideas and plans (among other things) in the pursuit of feeling a sense of belonging. Knowing this, it is possible to make some predictions…
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Reaching Customers Who Don't Go Online

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Not Everyone is Online When it comes to maintaining your customer base, all avenues should be covered but it is particularly important to reach out to your customers who do not go online. Why? It’s pretty simple, as of 2011, 1 out of 5 adult Americans has never used the Internet (according to The Pew Internet & American Life Project)….
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Taking a Chance with Advertising

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Traditional Can Still Work With all of the advances in social marketing and the newer, faster ways to connect with your audience you may think that traditional advertising is going the way of the dodo. This is not the case at all. In fact, while some people are still annoyed by traditional marketing and advertising tactics they can still work…
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Top 5 Online Marketing Tactics for 2013

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Marketing in 2013 In a world where most people are “connected” for a good part of the day through Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and other social networks it should be no surprise that a solid online marketing strategy is essential for every business. Without online marketing, you are losing precious, FREE advertising that could lead to hundreds, or thousands or even…
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