Archive for April, 2014

Tom Cruise: The Over-Branded Actor

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Jerry McMaverick Hunt What does branding have to do with acting, you ask? Well think about how actors and gigs get lined up. You wouldn’t expect to see Kevin James to be the lead in an action movie, nor would you likely find Angelina Jolie playing the role of a science-nerd. Both have very specific styles. In marketing, we call…
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The Shift Towards Online Sales

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Photo by Garfield Anderssen In a few of my past articles I have been talking about social media marketing, but today I am going to talk about another aspect of the Internet that is affecting many businesses. Today I want to spend a little bit of time writing about the current shift that is happening towards online sales and why…
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Palm Sunday

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Scott Christofferson It’s a Holiday You May Not Know Much About The beginning of Holy Week each year begins with Christianity’s holy day, Palm Sunday. This day commemorates Jesus’ entrance into the city of Jerusalem and this year’s celebration will be on April 13, 2014. The story that illustrates Jesus’ entry into Jerusalem is included in several parts of the…
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Setting SMART Goals

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Success in the business world is about setting goals and meeting them. By not setting goals, we half our potential and hurt ourselves financially and professionally. By setting strong goals we encourage strong results. Often times we set goals that do not stretch us. Here are some attributes courtesy of Yale researchers that will help us set strong goals. Yale…
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The 3 Best To-Do List Apps

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Screenshots of Task App Any great planner knows that creating a to-do list is the beginning step to a lot of really amazing projects. To-do lists help with a wide range of tasks from homework to online marketing. If you’re looking for an easier, eco-friendly, and mobile way to make lists, check out these awesome list apps! 1. (free):…
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Surprise Tweeters

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Where the Hashtag Meets Holiness Twitter has obviously become a huge tool for mass communication. Its role in marketing is gigantic. What about other types of mass communication, though? What about religion? Many of those living here in Utah know that many of the leaders of the LDS faith have Twitter accounts. That may come as a surprise to some….
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Why Social Media Marketing is Important

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Social media has progressed further in the last 10 years than anyone could have expected. What started of with the MySpace era has translated into social media network use, by a massive percent of the population, for every niche including, opinion forums, dating sites, business connections, and everything in between. What we are going to talk about today though is…
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Good Health = Good Business

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Scott Christofferson World Health Day: April 7, 2014 Having good health – both mental and physical – is essential to running a successful business. As all of us take care of our minds and bodies we’ll not only be more prepared to operate our businesses but we’ll enjoy it a whole lot more along the way! Each year the World…
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Helping the Underdog

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Starting a business is hard. The transition from working for a steady paycheck to earning what you kill is hard. It requires many hard days of work and often times months without monetary compensation. Still people choose to brave the storm and be self-employed. Here at Innovation Simple we know what it takes to make it. We look to our…
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April Fool’s Day Marketing

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Crowdtilt’s Silicon Island The Internet provides a whole new platform for April Fool’s Day jokes, giving billion-dollar companies more chances to win our attention. As much as we love a company that can provide a good product/service, we love a company with a good product/service and a good sense of humor even more! So if you think that your company…
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