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Innovation Simple Blog

Jul 14, 2014

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Building Brand Loyalty

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How To Keep Customers Coming Back Every profession has a key driving force in its economy. When it comes to retail, product sales, and effective marketing the key driving force is brand loyalty. As a marketing company in Utah we have seen first hand the effects of brand loyalty in a company. In this blog post we will discuss how…
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Jul 11, 2014

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Exploring the name "Innovation Simple"

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Every day, businesses are evolving. As technology improves and the needs of customers change and increase, businesses must keep up with the demands. A large part of most modern businesses is marketing, or “the process or technique of promoting, selling, and distributing a product or service.” While most large businesses have a department devoted entirely to marketing, many smaller companies…
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Jul 10, 2014

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The Fame of Tim Howard

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How The World Cup Landed Him in a Meme Frenzy You and the rest of the country howled and cheered in anticipation during the fateful US v. Belgium game of the World Cup last week. The U.S. came in as an underdog in every way but still managed to capture the hopes of millions. Despite the hype, the U.S. team…
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Jul 9, 2014

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The Extinction of the Everyday Coder

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DIY Web Production The world of web design has long been held up by two forces: designers and coders. The first was responsible for making it beautiful, the second for making it possible. These days, though, self-sustaining site platforms like Squarespace, Weebly, and Wix make it easy for designers to bypass the realm of coding by with building-block style page…
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Jul 8, 2014

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Quick Ways To Boost Energy

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At Home, Work, or School Working in an office all day has its perks. In most cases you get to sit down in an air conditioned room and do what you love to do. But if there is one experience that every office worker has to battle every day, it’s the urge to fall asleep on the job. And that…
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Jul 7, 2014

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Marketing: A Brief History of Getting the Word Out

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Although marketing concepts are relatively new, businesses have been using marketing strategies and mediums for ages Marketing is all about getting the word out and creating value for our customers, and as we took a look back at history, we found that marketing strategies have been used in places such as Ancient Egypt and Greece! Outbound marketing has been in…
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Jul 5, 2014

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Unique Summer Activities

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Have a Summer Worth Remembering We love marketing and website design in Utah, but we love summer even more. The first few weeks of summer are always the best weeks. You just got out of school or maybe your kids just got out of school and the warm weather is welcoming to outdoor adventures. But as the weeks pass many…
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Jul 4, 2014

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Let Freedom Ring

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It’s that time again when firework stands start popping up on street corners and city streets are decorated with red, white, and blue. It seems like here in America we find every excuse to gather and celebrate. When Independence Day comes knocking on our doors it’s so easy to get caught up in the barbecues, fireworks, and block parties. But…
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Jul 3, 2014

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Target stores ask customers to shop without firearms

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Earlier this week, Target began asking shoppers to leave their guns at home when entering Target stores. The retailer cannot prohibit customers from carrying firearms in most states, and the company has reiterated that this action is not a demand. Molly Snyder, a member of Target’s public relations team, was quoted by the Los Angeles Times as saying, “This is…
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Jul 1, 2014

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Cheap Ways To Cool Down During The Summer

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Hot summer? Here are cheap ways to cool down. 1) Run Through The Sprinklers This goes back to when I was a kid. If you have a yard with a sprinkler system, you’re miles ahead of your apartment dweller friends. Turn the sprinklers on and run through them with your kids. Another option is to water your lawn with your…
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