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Innovation Simple Blog

Jun 28, 2014

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Incorporating The Fourth of July Into Your Company

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Let Your Patriotism Show The Fourth of July is a holiday near and dear to many American’s. It’s a time to celebrate the freedom of our country and how we got where we are today. As a company it’s a great time to implement some marketing strategies. You can connect to your customers on a personal level by celebrating Independence…
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Jun 26, 2014

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United States Supreme Court rules to protect cellphone privacy of arrested subjects

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On Wednesday, June 25, the Supreme Court ruled that police officers need a warrant in order to search the cellphones of arrested subjects. This action is considered a major ruling in favor of individual privacy, as law enforcement now will not be able to search cellphones except in “emergency situations.” The unanimous 9-0 ruling seeks to protect privacy in an…
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Jun 25, 2014

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Basic Photography for Marketing

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Image Use for Businesses The marketing industry becomes more and more visual every year. Companies are spending less and less on saying something and more on showing it, making photography an even more vital part of the strategy. In other words, in an industry where image is everything, images are everything. While the internet is a great resource for finding…
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Jun 24, 2014

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How To Simplify Your Life

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TUTORIAL TUESDAY: Are you too busy and losing enjoyment for life Take a Technology Fast for 24 hours A good way to simplify your life is to have a technology fast over a day that you have off work. Take your phone, laptops, televisions, and all other devices and turn them off for a full 24 hours. For that time…
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Jun 23, 2014

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Worried About Your Number of Social Media Posts? You’re Trying Too Hard.

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Take it Back to The Basics We all know social media in one form or another. Facebook, Twitter, Snapchat, Whatsapp, Instagram, Pinterest, LinkedIn, Tumblr, Google+, the list goes on and on. Businesses know that they need to be on social media, but after that they don’t know what to do to make their social media presence effective. Ideally, your business…
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Jun 21, 2014

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How to Find Travel Deals

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Taking Advantage of Promotions One of the most basic ways to get more attention for your company is to offer promotions and deals. This is true across all industries. Travel in particular is a good example of this. Airfare and hotel companies offer great specials hoping to bring in more business, or at least attract more eyeballs. They’re obviously getting…
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Jun 20, 2014

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Marketing is Universal: What Sets Innovation Simple Apart?

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Choose Your Marketing Firm Marketing is essential to get any company’s brand or product exposed to consumers. For a lot of businesses, it is a challenge to pick the right marketing firm/service that will fit the needs of the brand and the industry that a specific brand is trying to break into. Utah is no exception. There are dozens upon…
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Jun 19, 2014

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Instagram as a Marketing Tool

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Because of social media, the world of marketing has expanded dramatically. New media platforms allow companies and consumers to communicate with extreme ease about almost any topic, and the masses can respond, comment, and recirculate content with the click of a button. As our society continues to make a shift toward the digital, more and more companies are learning how…
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Jun 18, 2014

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How To Make Your Designs More User Friendly

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Are your designs accessible to all of your users? Learning & Resources Making a user friendly design starts with something else, learning the basics of design, and understanding its process. Design is essentially the art of combining words, images, ideas, and more to successfully convey and interact with users. While designing however there are important tools such as the Adobe…
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Jun 17, 2014

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How To Use LinkedIn To Land a Job

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How To Put Your Best Foot Forward Social media has quickly become one of the most powerful marketing tools in the industry for several reasons. Mainly because social media allows companies to get to know their customers and competitors on a personal level. While social media makes your company more vulnerable to the public, it also bridges the gap from…
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