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Innovation Simple Blog

Sep 10, 2014

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Four Website Layouts that Make Us Cringe and Why

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What to Avoid When Building Your Website Website design is paramount in developing trust with your audience. Research shows that 94% of people cite design as a reason they do not trust certain websites. The Dictionary | On average people spend 10-15 seconds scanning a website. Your text should be scannable and easy to read. Do not firehouse your audience…
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Sep 8, 2014

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How Social Media Has Changed Business Marketing

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Positive Effects of Online Interactions Social media is becoming increasingly important for small and large businesses. No tool is more relevant and brand forming in the marketing world. As a whole, social media has proven to be a positive component both for consumers and businesses. Social Media Levels the Playing Field Whether you are a small or large company, or…
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Sep 6, 2014

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Preparing for Back-to-School at the College Level

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Seven Tips to Set Yourself Up for Success Going to college is an opportunity not everyone enjoys. And although it’s a great blessing in the lives of those that attend, it can be stressful and will inevitably be difficult. Here are some tips to help you keep your head above the water as you weather the storm. Seven Tips 1….
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Sep 5, 2014

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Meet Our New Marketing Account Manager

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Meet Michael Robbins We are excited to welcome Michael to the Innovation Simple marketing family! Michael brings a lot experience to our organization and we are glad to have him with us. Prior to moving up to Provo last month Michael was enjoying a busy life in Arizona. Education Michael is a native of Utah Valley where he was born…
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Sep 4, 2014

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Technology Continues to Change Our World

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Why We Have an Emotional Connection to Technology Life Without Sound Over 360 million people worldwide have disabling hearing loss. For me, imagining life without sound is hard to comprehend. So much of what we do and how we live includes listening to the world around us. However, some people go through life without ever hearing something as simple as…
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Sep 3, 2014

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Fun Summer Heat Activites

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Unique activities to do with the kids on on the hottest days of the year! Unique kid activities to do on the hottest days of the year The kids are home for summer vacation and your house is hot, your car is hot, you’re hot! No matter what you are doing the heat is sweltering. We are going to give…
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Sep 2, 2014

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St. George (The Saint and Soldier)

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The story of the Roman soldier who saved a princess, slayed a dragon, and died a Christian martyr We take pride in the place that we are based out off. Have you ever wondered about who Saint George might have been? Like many figures in history, not everything is known about Saint George, but it still stands out as an…
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Aug 29, 2014

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How To Get A Job With Our Company

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And Why You Should Want To Work For Us The marketing industry is growing more than it ever has before. Partially because companies are shifting from tangible marketing to completely web based marketing. This is great for the trees and environment, but bad for those store and business owners who don’t know how the digital world works. And that’s where…
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Aug 27, 2014

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The Importance of White Space in Web Design

Posted in : Uncategorized

Without it, you won’t stand out. If there was ever any question about the importance of businesses having a presence on the internet, that discussion should be dead. But these days just having a website is not enough. Your website has be designed in a way that appeals to users and thus increases traffic to your site. Today we are…
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Aug 26, 2014

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How to Keep Readers Reading Your Blog After the First Sentence

Posted in : Uncategorized

Hook Em’! Getting people to your blog can be a hard task. With so many blogs on the internet ranging in topic from normal and provincial to absurd and abstract, how do you get people to read your posts? There are many things you can do such do embellish your posts such as inserted pictures or embedding videos. But you…
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