Archive for January, 2014

Provo Food Truck Roundup

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Who doesn’t love a good food truck? In the past few months Provo has been privy to some delicious meals-on-wheels! Hopefully you have noticed these delightful food trucks rolling around Provo and all of Utah valley, delivering some of the most enjoyable food one has ever tried. If you have never had the opportunity to try these savory samplers, or…
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Blogging for Your Business

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Scott Christofferson A Few Important Tips So you’ve decided that you want to start a blog on your business’ website? That’s great! Now it’s crucial that you focus on being consistent and writing great content. As I mentioned previously, it is crucial that you are consistent. Choose whether you’ll blog daily, weekly, bi-weekly, monthly, etc. and then stick to your…
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Google AdWords Demystified

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Google AdWords is a headache to look at. The start up is enough to make a normal human-being claw at the computer screen in an attempt to escape. It’s not hard, it’s just a learned process. There are tons of tutorials and I won’t attempt to make another. To be quite frank, the tutorials make me more desperate than AdWords…
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Local Eats in Provo, UT

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With the constant flow of college students in and out of Provo, many local Provo restaurants have struggled to stay afloat. But recent years have been better for local business, and Provo is starting to see restaurants stick around—and good restaurants at that! Whether you’re staying for a while or just staying overnight, these are some Provo restaurants you won’t…
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7 Beautiful Blogs: Health and Fitness

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Blog Away the Blubber Now that we’re a few weeks into the new year, it seems a lot harder to keep that resolution, doesn’t it? Sometimes all you need is a little extra encouragement, or maybe some advice. One of the best sources for health and fitness motivation is the internet, and blogs in particular. Since nobody wants to look…
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5 SEO Trends Every Entrepreneur Needs to Know for 2014

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If you are an entrepreneur that relies heavily on online presence, it is important that you take a look at the following trends to help you understand that the SEO landscape is changing. Effective SEO has three pillars. A good SEO strategy has three pillars to it: links, components, and social media. In the last year, people have noticed that…
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Hit the Slopes in Beautiful Utah!

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Scott Christofferson Ski Utah! Utah is said to have the greatest snow on earth after all so get out there and ski or snowboard. Snow sports can be a bit expensive but with careful planning, deal finding and early purchasing you can make this incredible sport fit in your schedule and budget. I’ve included links and prices to Utah’s top…
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#1 in Google and in Good Shape: An Analogy

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Reaching the top of Google’s search engine is a lot like losing weight. You can’t just hop into the gym twice a week for 20 minutes, lift weights, drink protein shakes, and expect to lose weight. Reaching rank #1 in Google requires patience. But you’re not worried about that. You’re a professional and you know that all good things take…
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Social Media Predictions for 2014

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Now that you’ve got social media figured out, it’s time to get used to its constant changes because that’s just how social media works. If you’re using social media for business purposes, it would be wise to keep up on these changes as they happen so that you can optimize your marketing success! According to this article by the Social…
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7 Beautiful Blogs: Travel

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Around the World in Seven Clicks In a world where anyone and everyone can start a blog about any topic, it can be hard to find blogs that are really worth looking at. That’s why I’ve decided to start a new series of posts, picking out the 7 most well-designed blogs in a variety of topics. This week, it’s travel…
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