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An Marketing Associate's Insider Look at Innovation Simple

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Hello Readers, My name is Joe. I have been a marketing associate at Innovation Simple for a little under year and write for this blog twice a week. A marketing associate’s impression of a company is unique. We usually see the bottom line and dream about being at the top. We thoroughly investigate everything we see hoping to learn the…
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Eating Out For $5 or Less

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I have $5 in my pocket. The value of $5 is misrepresented and misunderstood. Innovation Simple values money. We don’t care if it’s just a quarter, we’ll save it up and get our value out of it. Everyone has a different understanding of money. For some money roughly equates to time. For others money is measured in bills and luxury…
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Setting SMART Goals

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Success in the business world is about setting goals and meeting them. By not setting goals, we half our potential and hurt ourselves financially and professionally. By setting strong goals we encourage strong results. Often times we set goals that do not stretch us. Here are some attributes courtesy of Yale researchers that will help us set strong goals. Yale…
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Helping the Underdog

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Starting a business is hard. The transition from working for a steady paycheck to earning what you kill is hard. It requires many hard days of work and often times months without monetary compensation. Still people choose to brave the storm and be self-employed. Here at Innovation Simple we know what it takes to make it. We look to our…
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The Spirit Animals of Internet Marketing

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What is your Internet marketing spirit animal? Great question. I’m not surprised you’ve asked yourself this soul searching question. I’ve often pondered on the answer to this conundrum. I have been thinking about this for quite some time. I have grouped Internet marketing into several spirit animals. I don’t have a quiz for you to decide which one you are….
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Keeping Customers, Saving Leads

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Dearest Blog Readers, You are losing money. I was working with a small company just last week and realized that a lot of businesses are tripping right off the starting gate. They focus on a linear selling model that works pretty decently. The problem I have found is most companies pour all of their energy into finding new leads. Once…
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Spending Money to Make Money

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This is not a political post. I know nothing of how to run an economy on a national scale. This post is about marketing. This post is about paid advertising and marketing efforts. Marketers are almost all in agreement that you must spend money to make a profit. It seems contradictory, but well-spent money on marketing efforts will bring cash…
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Indie Rock of 2013

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Now that we are sitting comfortably in March I feel like I can safely make a list of indie rock albums released in 2013. It’s always a risky thing saying the best. I hope there wasn’t something I missed that I will soon fall in love with. I often find that I miss an album here or there because I’m…
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The HUVr Board is Here

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There is a fake ad circulating the Internet right now about a Huvr Board. The actor who played Doc Brown in Back to the Future steps out of the infamous time travelling car with a hoverboard in his hand. He hands the board to Tony Hawk, Moby, and other famous figures who testify to the authenticity of the board. The…
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Branding the Unbrandable

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Is there such a thing as an unbrandable product? Today we will explore a couple products that are close to unbrandable. We could of course brand them and sell them. Let me know how you would brand the following: Deluxe Toilet Plunger (chrome plunger with a leather handle) – You are a man of luxury. Everything you have is luxurious….
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