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Innovation Simple Blog

Aug 2, 2014

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Utah Hikes To Check Off Your Bucket List

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Hidden Treasures In Utah Valley With the summer months coming to a close there are only a few more opportunities to check off some hikes from your bucket list. Those who live in Utah Valley within driving distance to a variety of different hikes from leisurely strolls to challenging adventures. But whichever hike you choose is bound to bring you…
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Aug 1, 2014

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Website Spotlight

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How Good Design Means Greater Marketing ROI Websites aren’t just commonplace now: they’re ubiquitous. Thirty years ago the internet was in its infancy. Email wasn’t a word in the dictionary and tweeting was something only birds did. Now, in an age of digital media, web design has completely redefined our world and the ways we expect to interact with it….
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Jul 29, 2014

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How to Make the Perfect Summertime Milkshake!

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Because Milkshakes Taste Better in Summer! Summer is in full swing and the heat can sometimes be incredibly stifling! To help you cope with the heat I am going to show you the way to make the perfect milkshake to help you enjoy even the hottest days of summer. Milkshakes are one of my favorite things to eat year round…
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Jul 25, 2014

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Exploring the phrase "Marketing Managed

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What’s it mean? What is Innovation Simple? In the simplest terms Innovation Simple is “Marketing Managed.” What does “Marketing Managed” mean? It’s really simple, Innovation Simple takes over you marketing, all of it! Today we are going to explore “Marketing Managed” and what makes it so incredible! Simplifies Business- Simply running a business day to day is hard enough without…
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Jul 23, 2014

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How Pinterest has Changed the Way we Design

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What Your Business Can Learn from Pinterest My wife is a third generation graphic designer, so I’ve heard my fair share of how design and creativity have changed over the years. In the good ‘ol days design was expressed through letterpress, screen printing and hand painting. All three processes were tedious and required very technical skills and expensive materials. The…
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Jul 22, 2014

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How to Have More Fun at Work

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A few tips to make the most of your 8+ hour work day On average Americans spend 8.8 hours a day at work or on work related activities, more than any other developed nation. So how can you make your work day more fun? Here are some ideas from the internet but we would like to submit some of our…
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Jul 21, 2014

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How To Tactfully Ask Customers For A Referral

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Spreading The Word About Your Business As a nation we Americans are a very proud people. Especially when it comes to asking for help from other people. For some reason we would rather swim with hungry sharks than ask someone for help. But at the same time it makes us feel great when we help someone else. What we need…
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Jul 19, 2014

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Celebrating Pioneer Day in Utah

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What This Obscure Holiday Means to Your Business To most of the country July 24th holds no real significance but another day to eat twinkies and kick back in the summer shade. But to Utahns and other western states, July 24th is Pioneer Day, a state holiday and commemoration of mormon pioneers first arriving in the Salt Lake Valley on…
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Jul 16, 2014

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Productive Office Colors

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Choosing the right colors for your office. Making your office productive is not just a matter of being a great manager, it can be a variety of different things. One of those things we want to focus on today is the affect that your office color palette has on your productivity. If you think your office walls need a new…
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Jul 15, 2014

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How to Search for Jobs Effectively

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Simple Steps to Finding A Job One of the most stressful things that anyone will have to do in life is find a job. There are a variety of ways to find jobs. Today we want to give a few tips on what you can to do effectively search for a job. These are most likely things you have either…
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