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Innovation Simple Blog

Oct 2, 2014

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iPhone 6 Hype

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The Truth Behind the Line One of the busiest days in the tech industry is the day that any new iPhone hits the market. The hype for the first iPhone released in 2007 was insane, analysts expected the excitement to die as future iterations of the phone were released. That prediction has yet to come fruition. Love for the iPhone…
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Oct 1, 2014

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Best Local Haunted Houses

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Screamin, Laughin, Fun Happy October! Fall is in the air and some of Utah’s best Halloween attractions and venues open up this week. It can be a challenge to find venues that appeal to younger ages and adults. So we put together a list of our favorite venues and attractions that bring friendly screams and laughter to your family. Below…
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Sep 30, 2014

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Seven Ways to Save Money Each Week

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Keep Your Change A sad realization everyone comes to at some point or another is that money doesn’t grow on trees. And while saving money isn’t necessarily easy, it is always worth the effort. 1. Change Your Ways Saving only 50 cents a day for an entire year will make you $182.50 by the end of the year. That’s enough…
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Sep 29, 2014

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How Your Employees Can Work for You

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Subtle Ways to Plant Marketing Seeds Like it or not, the most pervasive marketing tool in a company is its employees. Your employees can be your best or worst marketing tool. There are various issues that factor into an employee’s overall satisfaction of working within a company. In this post, we’ll look into some things employers can do to transform…
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Sep 27, 2014

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Rainbows of Autumn Color

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Best Scenic Views for Enjoying the Fall Colors Late September is one of the best times to see the beauty of fall color around Utah. The gorgeous leaves are at peak fall foliage and have not left the trees barren just yet. Like most in Utah, we at Innovation Simple love to seek out the inspiration, relaxation and satisfaction that…
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Sep 25, 2014

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Motherhood and Advertisements

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Trending Commercials A commercials success is judged by its ability to stick with the target market, simply put it has to be memorable. Commercials seem to be getting better and better these days. The other day my niece was watching TV in the living room. After the TV had been turned off she told her mom that she watched a…
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Sep 24, 2014

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Elements of a Good Logo

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And What One Should Look Like If you’re a brand or business owner, your logo is the most important investment you can make for your company. A logo is the first thing that people see, and more importantly, it’s what they associate your product with. If you have a good logo presence with your brand, you can take your company…
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Sep 23, 2014

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How To Enjoy the First Day of Fall

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Embracing a New Season Summer is officially over. The air is a bit more crisp and there seems to be a mood of change in the air. Today is the first day of Fall. It is the summer’s great last heat, It is the fall’s chill: They meet. – Sarah Morgan Bryan Piatt We have entered the bipolar season of…
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Sep 23, 2014

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What We Learn As Interns

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A look into we learn at Innovation Simple as we become professionals in our field There are six of us here in the Provo office that are marketing interns. All of us are currently majoring in advertising or public relations and as such, we understand that gaining live experience in the field is important. So what have we learned as…
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Sep 22, 2014

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Marketing a Small Brand vs. a Large Brand

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A Few Differences to Acknowledge Although they may be similar in their overall goals, small and large brands take very different paths in order to make a profit. There is a place for both small and large brands, but it must first be realized that inherent differences are present. Rules It’s safe to say that branding will not benefit a…
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