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Innovation Simple Blog

Aug 25, 2014

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SEO is King

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Why SEO is Important to Your Brand SEO is a buzzword right now in the tech industry. Everyone says your business needs to have it, and everyone promises to get you to a better place financially with it. Is SEO all hype, or is it a key ingredient to business success? Honestly, a little bit of both. SEO, or search…
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Aug 23, 2014

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What Stores Can Do During the Slower Months

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Repair Projects, Planning, Deep Cleaning, Re-setting August is almost over and the kids are all starting school again. This means one thing for most retail businesses, a couple of slower months. Typically speaking the retail industry experience pretty steady sales during the summer months. But the months between summer and the holidays can see slower sales. These slow months can…
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Aug 22, 2014

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Client Profile: Western Tire Recyclers

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So Much More Than Just Recycled Tires Did you know that non recycled tires are a serious environmental hazard? With 2 million discarded tires a year, that adds up to a lot of pollution and waste ruining our planet. But tire recycling companies help to put a stop to harmful waste ruining our environment. As a marketing company in Utah,…
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Aug 21, 2014

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Guardians of the Galaxy

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How Word-of-Mouth Marketing is the Best Kind Some marketers are giving up on word-of-mouth marketing because it is so difficult to control. True, consumers are more difficult than ever to motivate. However, when a campaign or product strikes a chord, you can know it will spread like wildfire across social media and in person. Most industries live or die by…
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Aug 20, 2014

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How Infographics Can Help Your SEO Rankings

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More than visual appeal By now I think about everyone has seen an infographic whether it was on a Facebook, Pinterest or some other social site. Infographics are a very entertaining way to present information and a great way to get your message out there. But graphics are not only a great way to spread your message, they are a…
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Aug 16, 2014

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Summer Loving

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A Focus on Companies that Market in the Summer Well, summer is wrapping up. Besides feelings of despair and mild depression after kissing the sun goodbye, there is also a bit of reflection on the summer’s exploits. Summer drives a tremendous consumer market for everything from pool products to trips to summer events. Savvy brands have a fine-tuned strategy for…
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Aug 14, 2014

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J. Crew Invents a New Size

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Marketing Mistake or Just Compromising Sizing? Obesity in America seems to be a hot topic flooding the news stands, but what about anorexia? We are all aware of this dangerous and growing problem. But do we recognize all of the cultural pressures that force women into this type of mindset? Many healthy, averaged weight women feel the need to take…
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Aug 13, 2014

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Website Design Platforms

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Tools that will help you design a great, professional website With the way things are these days, it’s pretty difficult to find the proper tools to build your website with since there are so many options. So here’s a list of the more professional and helpful tools that you can use in the creation of your site. For the Designer:…
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Aug 9, 2014

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Evolution of the Summer Treat

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What’s Giving Ice Cream a Run For Its Money If history in America has taught marketing professionals anything over the years, it should be that ice cream will forever be a crowd pleaser on a hot sunny day. While this is true it seems that in the past decade or so there have been other summer treats trending in Utah,…
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Aug 7, 2014

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Potato Salad and Millennials

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How to Harness Viral Content for Your Business Hello, welcome to America. This is a land where entrepreneurs run rampant and potato salad raises over $50,000 on Kickstarter. That’s right, everyone’s favorite picnic side dish garnered 50k from almost 7,000 backers. Why on earth would this happen? The campaign, which started out as a joke, became viral. News outlets reported…
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