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Innovation Simple Blog

Aug 8, 2008

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Questions To Ask When Finding A Product

Posted in : Uncategorized

When going into business there is some things that every business owner has to think of and that is what are you going to offer to the public. It is best to find problems that people are having and make a solution or find the solution and market that to the public. There are also some questions to be thinking…
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Aug 7, 2008

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Choose Evergreen Products

Posted in : Uncategorized

When looking for products to sell online make sure to choose Evergreen products. This means you should choose products that can be sold all year long.

Aug 7, 2008

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Look At Competitors Keywords

Posted in : Uncategorized

When you are building your keyword list you will also want to see what keywords your main competitor’s are using. This will help you identify what keywords they are going after.

Aug 6, 2008

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Be Descriptive In Your Location

Posted in : Uncategorized

Local search is huge as more people look for things by geographic location. Having a more detailed page about where you are located will help customers find you an identify exactly where you are.

Aug 6, 2008

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Get Listed In City Directories

Posted in : Uncategorized

Putting your website in different areas online will help people find your company easier. One of the best places to list your website is in city directories.

Aug 5, 2008

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5 Questions of a Website

Posted in : Uncategorized

There are 5 questions that you need to ask yourself before building your website.

Aug 4, 2008

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12 Website Design Tips

Posted in : Uncategorized

1. What’s the purpose: Define sites purpose (selling, information, advertising) 2. Define the structure: Keep it simple to navigate 3. Decide on overall layout

Aug 4, 2008

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Closing Ratio

Posted in : Uncategorized

Tracking your sales and how much traffic it takes to receive those sales are important numbers to know when trying to improve. This is known as your closing ratio. Your closing ratio is a measure that tells you your percentage of closes relative to your total attempts. Basically telling you how many people it takes to get a sale.

Aug 1, 2008

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Characteristics of a Structured Website

Posted in : Uncategorized

There are many different styles and looks of websites. There are however some characteristics that should always be kept in mind when designing and creating websites. Here are some characteristics:

Jul 31, 2008

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Domain Name Age

Posted in : Uncategorized

The age of a domain name plays a vital role in search engines. Just like offline businesses where companies that have been around a while increase in credibility to customers as opposed to start ups. Search engines do look at the age of a domain name as a factor. While it is not a killer to start ups it is…
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